Zenployers Q & A
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Here are some of our most common questions about Zenployers and Zenjuries.
What is Zenployers?Zenployers is workers' comp insurance sold directly to businesses online which includes our proprietary insurance software. Our online ecosystem is designed to lower loss costs and control the action flows of workers’ compensation injury progressions automatically along the way. Using Zenployers results in lower costs per claim and employers in control of their own workers' comp premiums year after year!
What does Zenployers know about workers' comp?A lot. For the last 25+ years, our founders sold and serviced workers’ compensation all over the United States. Through the experiencing of insurance schools, earning industry designations, attending WC hearings, listening to depositions, helping thousands of clients, and watching never ending attorney advertisements, we’ve learned a thing or two about the successes and failures of the traditional work comp system.
What makes Zenployers unique?Our experience and technology. We built it from the ground up to combine the workers' comp insurance policy with our workers' comp management software, with the belief that it would produce much better outcomes. We know it works because we’ve used it successfully for years.
Can benefits from Zenployers work for any business?Yes! We will work with any business that buys workers' comp insurance. If you are looking for better work comp experiences and outcomes, this is the right place!
What is Zenployers most beneficial quality?Our automation helps businesses achieve better outcomes on every claim that goes through our system. The outcome is lower, controllable work comp expenses.
How easy is Zenployers to use?We do all of our testing with users that are not computer-saavy. We feel that if you have to think too much to find a button, or understand a process, it should go back to the drawing board. Our test users see if they can accomplish the tasks on their own. If they can, we use the automation, if they can’t, we rework the automation until they can.
Can I get a discount off of my work comp premiums for using Zenployers?Yes, up to an additional 10%! We’ve partnered with Accident Fund Insurance, 9th largest workers' comp carrier in the world. They have a group dividend program just for Zenjuries users. In most states, they give an additional 5% off of WC premiums up front, and also another 5% in arrears as a dividend check.
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